But it’s not just about ‘stitching up’ your friend from work; there are plenty of other reasons a Secret Santa is good for business – so we thought this year we would share these with you; and give you our Top 10 gift ideas for under £20.

No Humbugs Allowed!

It always starts the same, agreeing on the budget, then a ‘theme’ (for Platinum the funnier the better) and finally the draw.

If pulling names from a hat feels a bit too old school then here is the 21st century equivalent which also eliminates any claims of cheating!


Draw complete and you can already predict it; 50% of the team are happy with their pick, leaving the rest complaining they have no idea what they are going to buy!

10 minutes later and the illegal trading of names drawn is well underway; and once everyone is happy (ish) discussions turn to gift ideas and Secret Santa is in full swing.

Is It Worth Taking Part?

The short answer is YES

– well we think so anyway.

It’s a bit of fun in the run up to Christmas, but more importantly there are plenty of other benefits to your business and team:

Breaking Down Barriers:

One of the most significant benefits of Secret Santa is it can break down some barriers. It gets people talking and interacting on a more personal level with people they wouldn’t usually speak with during a normal working day.

Encouraging Creativity & Thoughtfulness:

Selecting the perfect Secret Santa gift is not as easy as you might think. You will need to think about your colleague’s likes, dislikes and sense of humour. This process encourages team members to tap into their creative side, think outside the box and choose gifts that reflect the recipient’s personality.

Morale Booster:

The build-up is usually the best bit, with people boasting and laughing about what they have got each other. Comments like “I can’t wait to see their face when they open this” are flying around the office and when gifts are finally opened if you have done it right everyone should be laughing.

Wrapping Up Team Harmony:

So as your team gears up for Christmas it’s definitely worth considering running a Secret Santa.

Beyond the fun you can have swapping gifts, Secret Santa is an opportunity to strengthen team bonds, boost morale and get people excited in the office.

This is an event our team look forward and it’s a great way to wrap up the year (pun intended)!


Happy gifting & Happy Christmas.

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