Management Accountant




£35000 - £40000

Job Type




Management Accountant (1st step MA)


£35,000 – £40,000 – Development role with full study support

This is THE stand out opportunity for any 1st time Management Accountant who has a crystal clear vision for their career and future.

I can’t stress enough why this is SUCH a massive career move…

In this a role you will be given the unbelievable opportunity to pick up every skill required to become an FC or FD in the future. Every single bit of knowledge needed to reach that height.

You’ll gain experience in managing a team – but don’t need management experience to join

You’ll produce full sets of management accounts – but don’t need full MA experience to join

You’ll lead on commercial growth projects – but don’t need experience in strategy to join

The main take away here is, anything you aren’t 100% on will be taught, they genuinely want to develop your skills!!

If you are a career focused Assistant MA grab hold of this opportunity with two hands, £12million t/o business with a new product line, you’ll be sat in Board meetings, presenting to the owner, MD, and other senior leaders, and actually be a visionary in finance when it comes to future planning.

You can get to where you want to be in this job faster than ever other role in the market place, it’s a fast-track ticket all the way to the top.

In just 2 years’ time you will be qualified, have complete control of what’s likely to be a £20million t/o division of a larger group and be leading at Board-level!!! In 2 years’ time you will have the pick of the market and the jobs, no one will have your level of experience and technical ability due to the foundations this role has laid.

So, as far as business, opportunities and roles go…This is as good as it gets.

Applications are welcomed to Amber Long @Platinum Recruitment

Your Accountancy and Finance point of contact is:

Amber Long

Consultant - Accountancy & Finance

Management Accountant (1st step MA)


£35,000 – £40,000 – Development role with full study support

This is THE stand out opportunity for any 1st time Management Accountant who has a crystal clear vision for their career and future.

I can’t stress enough why this is SUCH a massive career move…

In this a role you will be given the unbelievable opportunity to pick up every skill required to become an FC or FD in the future. Every single bit of knowledge needed to reach that height.

You’ll gain experience in managing a team – but don’t need management experience to join

You’ll produce full sets of management accounts – but don’t need full MA experience to join

You’ll lead on commercial growth projects – but don’t need experience in strategy to join

The main take away here is, anything you aren’t 100% on will be taught, they genuinely want to develop your skills!!

If you are a career focused Assistant MA grab hold of this opportunity with two hands, £12million t/o business with a new product line, you’ll be sat in Board meetings, presenting to the owner, MD, and other senior leaders, and actually be a visionary in finance when it comes to future planning.

You can get to where you want to be in this job faster than ever other role in the market place, it’s a fast-track ticket all the way to the top.

In just 2 years’ time you will be qualified, have complete control of what’s likely to be a £20million t/o division of a larger group and be leading at Board-level!!! In 2 years’ time you will have the pick of the market and the jobs, no one will have your level of experience and technical ability due to the foundations this role has laid.

So, as far as business, opportunities and roles go…This is as good as it gets.

Applications are welcomed to Amber Long @Platinum Recruitment

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